Websites Security Services

Malware Scan / Hack Removal
We can find malicious code, infected files and other suspicious activities. Then we remove any malicious code and malware links from your posts, pages, comments and source code. We analyze and delete fake users accounts and suspicious comments.

Security Hardening
After fixing up your hacked WordPress, Joomla website, we increase your site’s security level. We use advanced firewall and manual website security tightening steps to fix your website issues. We can help you to remove your website from the Google Blacklist.

Website Backup / Restore
We can help you restore website and implement trusted solution for automatic backups. Provide lessons on how to store backups and how to use them in case of emergency.
Is My Site Hacked?
Classic symptoms of malware/hacking are:
Browser Shows a Warnings & Notices when visiting Your Website
Crashed Site Or Information that Your Site was Hacked by ...
Google Sent A Message Saying Your Website/Shop Is Hacked Or Has Malware
Your Hosting Company Disabled Your Website
Your Domain/Website is Redirecting to Another Site
You Can’t Log in Anymore to Your Admin Panel
Unexpected Ads & Pop-Ups Open When Visiting Your Website
SEO Spam Links Inside Articles, Posts or Pages
New Admin Accounts Which You Haven’t Created
Your Website Becomes Very Slow

If you can see at least one of these symptoms, there's a good chance your (WordPress, Joomla, Prestashop, OpenCard) site has been hacked. While this list covers the most common symptoms, there are plenty of different leads that may indicate a targeted attack. Many cybercriminals create malware which run silently in the website background. It’s possible that you might not even experience any of mentioned above “classic symptoms”.
Why Us? We can solve the security challenges your business may have and ensure your website security solution are configured properly. Gives you access to customer care specialists with years of experience in CMS security.
In the new window type your website full URL, and the VirusTotal will check it using malware and anti-phishing detection engines. After your site/shop URL is scanned, you'll see basic report.