
Terms, Conditions & Policies

Please find below the terms and conditions relevant to your service agreement. It is essential that you carefully review and understand these terms before proceeding with the service. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you!

Marketing Outcomes Guarantee


Suppose a client follows our proposed 12-month marketing plan and utilizes our data monitoring tools. In that case, we guarantee we will obtain the minimum amount of qualified leads or ROI over the 12 months of our agreement. We set quarterly goals depending on the industry but total up the success of our marketing efforts over 12 months. If we do not generate the minimum qualified lead goals by 12 months, we will labor for free from month 13 to month 15 (3 months) to reach the minimum goals. We want to earn your money based on results and not just effort. Clients should execute on our counsel with any factors that could negatively impact our ability to generate leads, like brand awareness, customer satisfaction, sales process, online reputation, and any other issues that may arise.


The Agreement should be accepted by the GPE Client when accepting the proposal or contract “I Agree to the Terms and Conditions”  Checkbox or paying the invoice, acknowledging their understanding and acceptance of the terms, including the client's legal responsibilities.

Auto-Renewal Agreement

Each Term shall automatically renew for subsequent periods of the same length as the initial Term unless either party gives the other written notice of termination at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the then-current Term.